Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What's For Lunch?

When I was a kid, my mother never packed my lunch for school. Now that I moved home after college and am totally capable of packing my own lunch, my mother decides its time for her to start packing my lunch. Thus, she wakes up at 6am every morning. I told her to just make it the night before so I can microwave, but she thinks microwaving is bad for my health. So she packs things into my little Asian lunch box that keeps things hot for a few hours. It looks like a thermos, but inside there are three circular boxes that can hold about 8-10 oz of food. Perfect serving size.

Another note would be that my mom is a terrible cook, whereas my dad is an amazing chef, so why she ended up making my lunch, I'll never know. Sometimes though, my dad will cook my lunch at night and then my mom will reheat it on the stovetop (rather than have me microwave it). Those days, my lunches are usually delicious. It would be chow fun, roast duck, or some other yummy concoction. However, on the days when my mom makes it herself, this is what I get:

Rice, some type of green veg (I'm not sure what kind, something Asian), and bbq pork with scrambled eggs. I mean it wasn't bad, but its not as good as if my dad made it. But free lunches with no work, I shouldn't complain. She also packs me two servings of fruit. Today, I have grapes and an Asian pear.

I definitely eat healthier since my mom makes sure I get fruit and vegetables and I'm usually not hungry by the time I get home for dinner because I had a full lunch and all that fruit. If I ever find a house to buy and move out (hopefully before the end of 2009), I will miss the free lunches.


  1. AWWW! that lunch looks GOOOD! what are you talking about? protein, grains, veggies, fruit. PERFECT!

  2. can't complain when free and made for you! I too enjoy my free lunches =)
