Friday, May 1, 2009

20 Male Facebook Poses

C shared this on facebook and it is funny. It's from the 2birds1blog blog back in 2008, but its still so funny and so true. I don't want to get any copyright infringements, so I'll just share two and post the link for you to check it out yourself if you want to see more.

#9: The I Don’t Know if you Know, But I Work Out Shot

This is an extreme version, but I had to share. Usually this shot is of a guy who just happens to have his shirt off and who just happens to have a 12 pack and just happens to be flexing at the moment someone randomly took their picture.

#17: The Future Pedophile of America Shot

What the fuck? Are you trying to tell me that you don’t have one friend who could take a picture of your creepy ass? Not one person? You’re just forced to sit there in a dark room, creepily lit up by your computer monitor and take it yourself with your web cam? And are you so into your porn and/or Myst game that you can’t be bothered to look in the damn lens and smile? These make me want to take a shower immediately…

If you get ten minutes free, go to her blog and read the rest:

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