Friday, May 29, 2009

Spelling Bee Champ

13 year old Kavya Shivashankar from Kansas is the new Scripps National Spelling Bee champ. She won after 16 rounds with the word laodicean. I started watching at round 6 and after a few rounds, it was kind of dragging on. These kids are really good though and I was thoroughly impressed.

I liked Kavya because she always spelled the word out on her hand so I'm happy she won. I also liked Kennyi Aouad because he was so goofy. My least favorite was the third place girl, Aishwarya Pastapur, who mispelled menhir. She had such an attitude when she was asking for definitions, pronunciation, etc. And then she cried when she lost, so hah.

At any rate, congrats Kavya!

[image via]

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