Monday, April 20, 2009

This Past Weekend

I went to Tucson this weekend. T and I finished planting the garden and it looked great. We went way over budget but there are 20 great vegetable plants in there. The next day, we realized a lot of the plants were wilting from too much sun. They were so droopy! I had a feeling this would happen since it is Arizona. T thinks they were shocked from being put into the new soil.

At any rate, we went to Home Depot again (third time this weekend) to get a sun protector thing, but we had major issues putting it up. Hence, I have no photos yet because it is still in it's development stages. I'll take some next weekend. I have some things to do again in Tucson.

Also this weekend, I took our dog, Obie, to get groomed this weekend because he gets knots and things in his hair. He went from looking like this at one point:

To being completely bald:

He looks like a completely different dog. When they handed him to me, I thought they gave me the wrong dog. I still think he's adorable though, just different. I think my sister was not happy. She thinks he's ugly now. Oh well, hah.

I hope today goes by quickly. I drove back from Tucson this morning to get to work on time. I'm really sleepy.

1 comment:

  1. um....i like the hairball better! haahha. but yes still cute!
