Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Something I Don't Know- I Learned from T

I would say I am smarter than the average person, no genius, but definitely somewhat intelligent. As my bosses would say though, I'm an accountant type of smart. This means I learn fast, have book smarts, and am very good at math. However, I do believe that I lack a lot of common knowledge.

Every time T and I actually talk, on the phone or in person, which happens about three or four times a month, somehow he always teaches me something new. It's usually a random fact pertaining to something we're talking about. I always exclaim "I didn't know that!" Which I hope he thinks is cute, or at least it must make him feel smart. I guess it could also make him think I'm dumb, but whatever. So anyway, the point is, I joked that I was going to start a segment in my blog about the things I learn from him. Yesterday he told me...

Widow is for a woman who is unmarried and whose husband is dead. Widower is for a man whose wife is dead. I never knew there was a difference between the two.

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