Thursday, April 30, 2009

Paula Deen Cancelled

M told me about this a few weeks ago and then sent me this photo this morning. Not like I was going to go, but I did think it was pretty strange Paula Deen was going to be at Costco (Tempe Marketplace location) signing her book. Why not Border's or something more book related? I'm sure her fans are going to be sad anyway.

Also, she looks so creepy in that photo. We know she's old(er), you don't have to airbrush all the wrinkles out! It looks so unnatural.

Poor Pork

With the Swine flu aka H1N1 virus outbreak being the biggest talk of the news this past week, I figured I had to write at least one thing about it. According to the World Health Organization website, it stated that all countries should immediately activate their pandemic preparedness plans. Now that the flu outbreak has become a global pandemic as declared by the WHO, the people I feel the worst for are the pig farmers (I feel bad for the people that are sick too).

China, Russia and South Korea have banned imports of some North American pork, despite the fact that it has been confirmed that the flu is not spread through the meat. The US is one of the world's biggest pork exporters so the pork industry has really taken a hit. At a time when our economy is already performing so poorly, this is just sad.

Meanwhile, poor Mexico too. It has been said that tourist are leaving, countries are telling their people to cancel all plans to Mexico, Hollywood has canceled their movie premieres, and well, their people are dying. Mexico City has basically shut down. According to the AP, there are a confirmed 168 deaths in Mexico and the number of cases are still rising. Sad.

However, I don't think it needs to be such a big deal. People get the flu all the time. We had the first confirmed case in Phoenix yesterday. I'm not panicking. I mean I know people are dying from it, but the virus is treatable so as soon as you think you are getting the flu, don't go spreading it around, go see a doctor and get some meds. Nothing to freak out too much over. T and I are even going to Mexico at the end of May for our cruise. We're not scared.

[image via AP]

New Apple Products

Rumor has it, Apple is developing a deal with Verizon to release two new Verizon-exclusive iPhone-like products this summer.

One of the device, PCWorld says is suppose to be the closest thing we'll ever get to the iPhone Nano- basically a cheaper and smaller version of the iPhone. It is currently being called the iPhone Lite.

The other device si being called a Media Pad (pictured above) and it is suppose to have the same function of an iPod Touch, but it will also have HD video and calling abilities via Wi-Fi. It is suppose to compete with the Amazon Kindle 2, but it will be better because it has a larger screen and more functions.

Pretty cool stuff. I already have an iPhone and I love it. I don't think I need any of the new products, unless the iPhone Lite is smaller and more functional. But I don't want to switch to Verizon. I thought Microsoft was coming out with a media pad like product as well. Or a tabletop desktop thing. My friend works for a tech company and I thought I had saw a demo product of it in his office, but I didn't hear anything else about it. Oh technology, whatever would we do with out it. I can't wait until Apple comes out with the new software for the phone.

[image via PCWorld]

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Los Reyes De La Torta

I'm not a big Mexican food fan, but I really like Los Reyes De La Torta. They really are no joke, the king of the torta in Phoenix. I go to the one on 7th street and Dunlap. The restaurant is decent size and portions are pretty large for a really low price. If I was not worried about getting fat, I would probably go there at least once a week, more if it was closer. And eat this:

Tostada de Ceviche. For just $2.99, its loaded with shrimp, tomatoes, cilantro, etc. It's a nice starter before you get to the main thing, which is this:

The Hawayana. I don't even like ham, but this sandwich is delicious. It has cheese and pineapples and a bunch of other stuff all piled high on yummy bread. I usually eat half of it and am stuffed. I have gotten the Mexicana a few times which is with carne asada and avocados, but the Hawayana is so much better. It also has a yummy chipolte mayo sauce that I think really makes all the difference.

I wonder what my friends are doing for dinner tonight....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Aj's Fine Food Steak Lovers' Sale

For all you steak lovers out there, Aj's Fine Food, is having a major sale on things in their Butcher's Corner. From what I heard on the radio, all meats are 50% off. I've confirmed the sale on their site. The sale started yesterday and will end this Sunday, April 26.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another Thing Learned

I don't remember what we were talking about but T told me, "Imitation crab meat is made from cod."

More specifically snow cod after I looked it up. This comes as a big surprise to me because I always thought they were vegetarian. When I was a vegetarian in high school, I'm pretty sure mom made me eat it once saying it was fine. LIES!

Thanks T!

"Wolf Pack" Eye Candy

I'm not a Twilight fan. I saw the movie on Thanksgiving because my sister raved about how much she was in loved with Edward Cullen. I did think he was pretty hot in the movie, but I don't dream about him being my boyfriend as some other girls do. But I did read the Wikipedia summaries of the book series so I kind of have an idea of what's to come in the next few movies, and that's the werewolves.

USA Today had the first look at the new group of guys who are going to be playing the wolfwolves and they are all Native Americans, as in the book. They look young to me, but I guess they are suppose to be in high school. Nonetheless, they are still very hot. I like the one on the far left.

[image via]

Mojo Yogurt

I am a big fan of the frozen yogurt craze of 2008 (especially the tart flavor varieties). However, while living in Tucson there were no tart yogurt shops to be found. Whenever I went to north Scottsdale to visit T, I always wanted Ice Tango, the only tart yogurt shop I knew of. But, now T has moved away so Ice Tango is too far and out of the way from where I live in central Phoenix.

Luckily, Mojo Yogurt opened their fourth location at the Biltmore in the beginning of March. S and I went yesterday to try it out and it was pretty busy. Not surprising given the 99 degree weather Phoenix had yesterday. The place charges by the ounce, is self serve, and the toppings are set up as a buffet, which some people like, but for me was a turn off. Also, the cups they use are really big since they do not serve by size which made anxious and felt like I had to get a lot.

We sampled around 5 flavors and I was basically full after that. We decided to share the original tart and the pomegranate tart with strawberries. Then, S wanted peanuts so I threw a few in for him. Overall, the yogurt is pretty good. Not as tart as some places but it wasn't as icy as others either. I need to get the mochi topping next time and maybe try some of their regular flavors. Being a mere 2.2 miles away from my house, I'm sure I will be back soon.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Gaythering Storm

Funny or Die has been posting some really funny videos lately, such as Lindsay Lohan's ad. This past Sunday Miss California's controversial answer of her opposing gay marriage resulted in the topic being heavily discussed all over the country. just posted this one today. Lance Bass is in it!

Equality for all! Everyone just deserves to be happy.

Miracle Dog

This is an old video clip from the Oprah show about a dog named Faith who had to learn to walk like a human (on two legs) to survive. So different, but cute.

Monday, April 20, 2009

This Past Weekend

I went to Tucson this weekend. T and I finished planting the garden and it looked great. We went way over budget but there are 20 great vegetable plants in there. The next day, we realized a lot of the plants were wilting from too much sun. They were so droopy! I had a feeling this would happen since it is Arizona. T thinks they were shocked from being put into the new soil.

At any rate, we went to Home Depot again (third time this weekend) to get a sun protector thing, but we had major issues putting it up. Hence, I have no photos yet because it is still in it's development stages. I'll take some next weekend. I have some things to do again in Tucson.

Also this weekend, I took our dog, Obie, to get groomed this weekend because he gets knots and things in his hair. He went from looking like this at one point:

To being completely bald:

He looks like a completely different dog. When they handed him to me, I thought they gave me the wrong dog. I still think he's adorable though, just different. I think my sister was not happy. She thinks he's ugly now. Oh well, hah.

I hope today goes by quickly. I drove back from Tucson this morning to get to work on time. I'm really sleepy.

Friday, April 17, 2009

6 Year Old Ping Ponger

Six Year-Old Ping Pong Prodigy - Watch more Funny Videos

I am concerned about all the balls on the floor. She could roll her ankles!

Also, this is what I imagine my mom to look like when she use to play ping pong back in China. She claims she was really good.

I Knew McDonald's Were Dangerous

The Navajo Times reported that in Window Rock, Arizona, a couple's SUV was crushed by a giant McDonald's sign that fell over on Wednesday. The couple, retirees Russell and Carolyn Janke, had just visited Canyon de Chelly and were sitting in their car in the parking lot after stopping for food on their way back home to Illinois.

Carolyn Janke was trapped inside unconscious and had to be cut out with the "Jaws of Life." She is currently still in intensive car at St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix from a fractured spinal column and a fractured sternum. Russell Janke was responsive and was able to get out of the car. He had surgery for a head wound and has over 70 stitches.

The family is mad over how the sign was not properly secured and do not think high winds should be an excuse as there are high winds everywhere. According to the National Climactic Data Center, in Window Rock at 12 pm winds were at 24 mph gusting up to 39 mph.

Roy Talker, owner of McDonald's franchises on the Navajo reservation McDonald's issued a statement through McDonald's regional press office stating "the safety and well-being of my customers is a top priority. We are genuinely concerned about the recovery of those involved."

Law suit! That poor couple though, never even saw it coming. That is why folks, you should avoid McDonald's. Crazy stuff.

[image via Navajo Times]

Seeded Grapes

I grabbed a bunch of red grapes, stuck them in a ziploc bag to take to work for breakfast to go along with my usual large mug of green tea. After I make my tea, I settle into my office chair to check the news and eat my grapes. To my surprise, these things had seeds!

I haven't had grapes in quite some time and definitely do not remember the last time I had seeded grapes. And now I remember why. Seeded grapes are such a hassle to eat if you don't like crunching on the seeds with the fleshy meat parts. My favorite food texture is crunchy, but not in my grapes! So after 5 grapes, my hands were sticky from picking out the seeds and I was not enjoying myself. I gave up. Offered them to my coworker for exchange of the soy latte he bought me instead.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Anti-Addiction PIll had a story yesterday regarding the cutting edge prescription pills that will soon be available at most doctor's office, anti-addiction drugs. More specifically, the drugs are used as a treatment to alcoholism. Dr. Mark Willenbring of the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse says that alcoholism has reached a point similar to one depression reached 30 years ago.

There are many studies happening around the US on these new drugs. Dr. Bankole Johnson of the University of Virgina found that topirimate (currently used to treat epilepsy and migraines) can reduce the number of days on which alcoholics drank heavily, by more than 25%. Naltrexone combined with therapy treatment have patients staying by abstinent and drank less if they did relapse.

Addiction is a brain disease, not just willpower. These drugs have the ability to block the release of brain chemicals that are linked to pleasure and excitement. These drugs are neither addictive or carries significant side effects. It does appear that each might work better in certain subgroups -- topiramate for repeat relapsers, and naltrexone in people with a strong family history of alcoholism.

These drugs are not an attempt to simply cure the disease. Many experts still argue that the best process takes a lot of support and dedication to recovery. Alcoholism is multifaceted disease of the brain so it has a spiritual component and a behavioral component to it.

I think these new drugs are great. I'm not one for taking medications because I honestly believe my body can take care of itself. However, I've seen how alcoholism can change a man and how difficult it is to break the addiction so I believe that any help scientist and researchers can give to addicts is a good thing. I still think that the addict needs to commit themselves to quitting before recovery can be made, but this new therapy can be of great assistance to them and our society.

[image via]

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

25 Firsts

Saw one of these survey things going around on Facebook. I never actually fill them out, but with the last 5 minutes of work coming to an end..why not.

1. Who was your FIRST prom date?
I never went to Prom, but I threw the most awesome party!

2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
First real love, yes, I'm still dating him. First guy I thought I loved, no, but I did try to find him on facebook . No success.

3. What was your 1st alcoholic drink?
Pink Gatorade and Grey Goose Vodka. Got so sick.

4. What was your FIRST job?
First real paying job (not from my parents)- UA Department of Psychology

5. What was your FIRST car?
1998 Black Toyota Four Runner. Good car.

6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
I woke up to a twitter update from HappyDemocrat.

7. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
T Bone Money

8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Mrs. Robinson. She was great. I barely spoke English.

9. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
China I would think. I was three.

10. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
Gretchen Stetter and Michael Sotelo. They'll always be special to me because they were my friends before I even spoke English. And we rarely talk anymore. Mike was my formals date last year and we IM each other sometimes. Gretchen and I facebook once in awhile.

11. Where was your FIRST sleep over??
I stayed at a family friend's house who had daughters but I got scared and had to be taken home. I didn't know where I lived so we knocked on the wrond door.

12. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?
My mom. She makes me breakfast and lunch in the morning.

13. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
I've never been in a wedding. BUT I want to be! :)

14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Turn off my alarm and cursed the day.

15. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
I think Jackie Chan and Friends in Vegas.

16. FIRST tattoo?

17. First piercing?
Pierced my ears when I was a sophomore in college.

18. First foreign country you've been to?

19. FIRST movie you remember seeing?
Beauty and the Beast! Mike Sotelo bought it for me for my birthday!

20. When was your FIRST detention?
6th grade. Ms. Scott gave it to me for leaving the classroom without permission. She was an ex nun bitch!

21. What was the first state you lived in?

22. Who was your FIRST roommate?
My brother and Vince.

23. If you had one wish. What would it be?
End World Hunger.

24. What is something you would learn if you had the chance?
I want to play the drums.

25. Who do you think will be the next person to post this?
No one.

Busy Bee

This is why I have not been blogging as much. My desk is in a constant mess of papers everywhere and my eyes get tired from staring at Excel spreadsheets. I will go back to three or four posts a day as soon as it calms down a bit. And I mean real posts, not just youtube videos. :)

Something I Don't Know- I Learned from T

I would say I am smarter than the average person, no genius, but definitely somewhat intelligent. As my bosses would say though, I'm an accountant type of smart. This means I learn fast, have book smarts, and am very good at math. However, I do believe that I lack a lot of common knowledge.

Every time T and I actually talk, on the phone or in person, which happens about three or four times a month, somehow he always teaches me something new. It's usually a random fact pertaining to something we're talking about. I always exclaim "I didn't know that!" Which I hope he thinks is cute, or at least it must make him feel smart. I guess it could also make him think I'm dumb, but whatever. So anyway, the point is, I joked that I was going to start a segment in my blog about the things I learn from him. Yesterday he told me...

Widow is for a woman who is unmarried and whose husband is dead. Widower is for a man whose wife is dead. I never knew there was a difference between the two.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Food Court Musical

Those who are around me enough know I always talk about how I wish my life was a musical. Well, the folks over at ImprovEverywhere made it happen in a food court in LA. I wish I was there.

Check out their other stuff too. Some of it is really funny, some really cute.

You're Mad Over What?

Yahoo! UK news report that a Polish politician is upset over a local zoo getting a "gay" elephant, Ninio. They say he prefers male companions and will probably not procreate.

"We didn't pay 37 million zlotys (7.6 million pounds) for the largest elephant house in Europe to have a gay elephant live there," Michal Grzes, a conservative councilor in the city of Poznan in western Poland, was quoted as saying.

The head of the Poznan zoo said 10-year-old Ninio may be too young to decide whether he prefers males or females as elephants only reach sexual maturity at 14.

First, I did not know there was such a thing as gay elephants. Second, who the hell cares. I can't believe this made news and I can't believe someone in a leadership role would actually express his distaste like this--over an animal in a zoo. Ugh. Totally ridiculous.

First Love

When I listen to music, I am a little OCD about it. I will listen to a song on repeat all day long (that would be 9 straight hours at the office) and then still want to hear it when I'm at home. This can go on for weeks or months.

My current obsession is a REALLY old song by Utada Hikaru, a ridiculously famous pop star in Japan. The song is called "First Love," it was released 10 years ago and I still love it. I don't know Japanese so I don't really know what she is saying, but you get the idea. There is an English version, but I like the Japanese version so much more. She tried to make it in the US but I think her album tanked. According to online articles, she is going to be releasing another US album this year.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Top Chef Master!!!

I am a HUGE fan of Top Chef on Bravo so when I first heard about Top Chef Master months ago (I actually found it on accident reading the Wikipedia page of Kelly Choi, random I know) I was very excited. Then I did not hear anything about it...until now.

On the LATimes Show Tracker page on Wednesday, they provided some great details about the new show featuring "world-renowned chefs" hosted by Kelly Choi (yay for more good looking Asian people on television). New York Magazine food critic Gael Greene, Saveur magazine Editor in Chief James Oseland and British food critic Jay Rayner will be the judges.

The show will premiere on June 10 at 10pm. Guest judges slated to appear are Neil Patrick Harris, Zooey Deschanel, "Lost" writers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, "Flipping Out's" Jeff Lewis, all of the previous "Top Chef" winners, and of course, Tom Colicchio, Padma Lakshmi and Gail Simmons.

There are a lot of competitors on this show so the producers have changed some things from the original series.Bravo's press release states:

In each episode, money will be at stake for the chefs, with the winners of eliminations being awarded cash donations for their charities. The first six episodes will consist of four chefs competing against each other to name one winner. The six winners of each episode will then meet up for the final four weeks when one person will get eliminated each episode until the finale where one winner is crowned Top Chef Master. The winning chef will receive $100,000 for the charity of his or her choice.

Some competing chefs that I am excited to see: Rick Bayless, Michael Chiarello, Wylie Dufresne, Elizabeth Falkner, Hubert Keller, Christopher Lee, Anita Lo, Art Smith, and Roy Yamaguchi. I was actually hoping David Chang would be competing, but maybe he needs more years to be considered "world renowned."

It's going to be interesting to see these chefs compete since most of them have appeared as guest judges on the show before. I can't wait!

[image via]

Take Off Your Shirt

Last night I get a text from M about this guy she is meeting on Saturday.

"he wants to show me exercises! cool huh? im gonna ask him to take his shirt off."

And funny thing is, she totally would, which made me laugh out loud. I myself, prefer really nice shoulders and arms. Yum!

[image via]

Michael Scott Tweets

And he is probably one of the funnier twitters that I'm following. His current tweet says, "MichaelScott Things in the office that sound dirty but aren't: punching in, grabbing a snack in the breakroom, doing an annual review, loading my stapler"

Last night's two episodes of The Office was pretty hilarious. I love that show. Too bad Parks and Recreation was lame. Sorry Amy Poehler

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Steve Jobs Facebook Page

T sent me Bill Gates FB page a few minutes ago from PC World and it was pretty funny, but I am not sure how to post it here. I liked Steve Jobs too, of course, being an Apple fan and all.

At the end of March, PC World made up some really funny facebook pages for some very important people. So if you get a few moments, check it out here:

[Image via]

Easier for Americans to Deal With?!

My pledge mom from college sent me a link to a post this afternoon from Think Progress. I am outraged.

Here is the post below posted by Amanda Terkel (actual article is also linked):

On Tuesday, State Rep. Betty Brown (R) caused a firestorm during House testimony on voter identification legislation when she said that Asian-Americans should change their names because they’re too hard to pronounce:

Rather than everyone here having to learn Chinese — I understand it’s a rather difficult language — do you think that it would behoove you and your citizens to adopt a name that we could deal with more readily here?” Brown said.

Brown later told [Organization of Chinese Americans representative Ramey] Ko: “Can’t you see that this is something that would make it a lot easier for you and the people who are poll workers if you could adopt a name just for identification purposes that’s easier for Americans to deal with?”

Yesterday, Brown continued to resist calls to apologize. Her spokesman said that Democrats “want this to just be about race.”

I know I should not do the name calling, but what an ignorant bitch. This lady needs to be removed from office. An apology from her would not ease my mind, but the fact that she won't even issue one makes me so upset.

[image via]

Synsepalum Dulcificum, Miracle Fruit?

Synsepalum Dulcificum is a West African berry that has been called the "miracle fruit" because it has taste transforming abilities. It can make sour, spicy, and bitter foods taste sweet with a glycoprotein molecule that binds to your taste buds and affect your sweetness receptors for 30 minutes. It could have been the next big commercial sweetner in the 70s because the FDA shut it down.

Michael Laudig of the Phoenix Times Chow Bella wrote about this flavor tripping experience that local Phoenix chef and James Beard award winner, Christopher Gross, plans on sharing. Chef Gross claims "You can eat a lemon wedge, and it tastes just like a piece of candy!"

Chef Gross is going to be hosting a flavor tripping party at Crush Lounge (at the Biltmore) on Thursday, April 23 for $15 per person at 8pm. These parties were popular on the east coast a year ago, but no one has brought it to Arizona (at least not that I know of). It said there will be plenty of food to feast on. T and I have eaten there a few months ago and we both liked it. I was sold when I read "there will be wine." Now, I just need to find a foodie companion who's free on the 23rd.

[image via Wikipedia]

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

For the Love of Chimps

When I young, I LOVED monkeys, especially Chimpanzees. It was on the verge of an obsession. And I was a huge fan of Jane Goodall, who I got to meet my junior year of college. I read her book For the Love of Chimps a million times as a kid so meeting her was truly amazing.

Science Reporter and BBC News report that new research described in the journal PLoS One say that Chimpanzees enter into "deals" where the male chimps exchange the meat they hunted for sex with the female. Male chimps who are willing to share mate twice as often as those who don't. And the females who get their share increase their calorie intake.

Previous hypothesis had suggested this occurred, but they thought it was a give and then immediately take situation which is not true. The new research found that this is a long-term exchange, so males continue to share their catch with females when they are not fertile, copulating with them when they are.

I just think they are so fascinating and human. Even if they can be a bit scary tearing off some ladies arm and stuff. I wish we could have them as a pet without them going insane. Or maybe I could just get a baby one and then donate him/her to a wildlife reserve when it gets too big? I'm sure T would veto that right away anyway.

Sur La Table on South Park

I like Sur La Table. The place is really nice and they have cool items, but I've only bought a few things from there. I basically stopped liking it after I was searching for financier molds and they were selling tiny ones for $4 each (I would have to get at least 8 to make it worth it). And now that I don't drive by the store every few days, I rarely ever stop in.

But I do love South Park. Here's a clip from the episode, "Margaritaville" where Stan tries to make a return.

Chinese Scholar Beaten at Tiananmen

BBC News report that Sun Wenguang, a 75 year old retired physics professor who has been imprisoned before for criticising communist revolutionary leader Mao Zedong, is hospitalized after a brutal beating at Tiananmen cementery. He was there paying respect to late communist leader Zhao Ziyang, who was purged for supporting the 1989 Tiananmen protests, which is still considered taboo in China.

Every year, Mr. Sun visits the grave. 2009 marks the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen crackdown and Shandong University (where Mr. Sun use to teach) and the police had warned him not to go this year. He said he had suffered three broken ribs and injuries to his hands and legs in the attack

"Five minutes after I went in, five strong men suddenly appeared. They punched and kicked me until I fell to the ground and could not move any more. I'm 75 years old, you know," he said.

All I can say is, China is nuts. They say they commit themselves to be a society that puts their people first. So what I don't get is why the continous punishment to their people and why they would use a 75 year old man as an example. So sad. This is why people think you are crazy and backwards.

[image via Wikipedia]

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I know, I know

I know I have not posted in a few days. Just been busy, out of town, and stuff. Will be back tomorrow, hopefully with something interesting to write/comment on.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

No Blogging Today

Not feeling it or didn't feel it. Wrote two separate blogs to post but deleted them. Not in the mood I suppose. Been getting these heart pains around 2:00pm every day at work until 5:30pm-6ish for the past four days in a row. It's what I imagine a small heart attack would feel like. Blah.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good Thing I'm A Humor Appreciator

Women Life Style has an article titled, "Why funny women turn off men," they say that the most desirable quality sought out by men and women are a good sense of humor. However, humor researchers report that the use and appreciation of humor differs between genders.

Eric Bressler, a psychologist at McMaster University in Canada says that women want a man who is a humor “generator,” while men seek a humor “appreciator.” Girls wants guys who can make them laugh and guys wants girls who will laugh at their jokes.

Professor Don Nilsen, an expert on humor at Arizona State University found that a woman who displays a typically male sense of humor-one that’s aggressive or competitive-is a turnoff to men. “I think every man in the world loves humor, even the sexual put-down humor, of Judy Tenuta or Joan Rivers. But very few men want to marry them.”

A German study found that when male and female strangers engaged in natural conversation, the degree to which a woman laughed while talking to a man was indicative of her interest in dating him. How much the woman laughed also predicted the man’s desire to date her. Conversely, how often a man laughed was unrelated to his interest in a woman.

I never claim to be funny, only goofy, but I LOVE people who can make me laugh. It's not that hard since I laugh a lot and even at things that aren't really that funny. I never classified myself as a humor appreciator though. I thought everyone just likes a good laugh? I do always tell T he's the top 5 funniest person I know. Guess that's why I'm attracted to him. :)

I Knew Mayonnaise Was Bad

Dayton Business Journal reports, "Kroger Co. said it is adding “sell-by” dates to its shelled pistachio recall and also recalling a store-brand light mayonnaise product."

Just a few days ago, they announced that they were recalling Private Selection shelled pistachios. Today, they are recalling Kroger Lite Mayo in 32-ounce plastic jars with a sell-by date of Sept. 25, 2009, and a UPC code of 11110 66090. This product might also have salmonella. The mayonnaise recall includes Cincinnati and Dayton, as well as Southwest Ohio, Northern Kentucky and Southeast Indiana, according to the release.

Good thing I don't live there. And good thing I never buy the stuff.

[image via]