Thursday, June 18, 2009

99 Balloons

Yesterday, I caught the end of an episode of Oprah titled "Remarkable Children." Every story basically made my eyes sting with tears, but were amazing. One of the last stories they did was on a couple named Matt and Ginny Mooney who had a child born with Trisomy-18 also known as Edwards syndrome. Trisomy-18 is a genetic disorder causing an extra 18th chromosome (the rest of us have only two) to develop in his cell. Besides this terrible condition of faulty DNA, Eliot Mooney was also born with an undeveloped lung and a hole in his heart. His chance for survival was very low.

I had actually seen their YouTube video a year or two ago, but seeing it again last night really brought me to tears, full on ugly cry kind of tears. And seeing how strong Matt and Ginny were was inspiring. When Oprah asked them about how they found the will to be so strong and do what they did, the one thing Ginny said that I think will stick with me whenever I'm feeling depressed over something that I think I'm not doing right or anticipating something bad, "I will be sad later."

So if you have a few minutes and some tissues laying around, you can watch their YouTube video, "99 Balloons" below. You can read more about Eliot's story on Matt's blog

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