I'm on vacation until next Monday. Blogging is on hiatus until I return. Have a good week!
Home of daily happenings, kitchen treats, and rants and raves of my life. A stew of bexness if you will.
The man's wife had hired a private investigator to catch him cheating. He said that after parking the car, the car started to "shake violently" and then it was hit by the van. The PI heard the woman scream loudly and her mouth was covered in blood. Gross! The PI being a good guy, called for an ambulance. The woman followed him to the hospital with his detached penis.
I feel bad the guy got injured, but hah! That's what you get. Cheaters never prosper!
[image via signs-of-a-cheater]
The owner and a customer jumped the teenager and held him until authorities arrived. While they waited, the owner said the teen ate the banana. Deputies took picture of the banana peel and they joked about charging him with destroying evidence. The teen faces a charge of attempted armed robbery.
His parents must be so proud. A banana?! Really?!
At 6:30am during rush hour, the female 9 year ran onto the Major Deegan Expressway and was hit by a car. The other dog, her son, ran onto the highway to rescue her. He would not let anyone near her and would bark at oncoming traffic and at the police officers who were trying to help.
Finally, officers got close enough to lift the injured dog onto a sheet and place her gently inside a cruiser. She was brought to animal care. The owner of the dog saw the drama on TV and went to the vet center right away and took her to the animal hospital, where they found a broken left leg.
When police tried to get to the other dog, the dog protector took off. There was a slow-speed chase, then a high-speed chase. The dog dodged vehicles, changed direction and ran head-on into traffic. Police backed up the highway, not sure which way the dog was going to break next. Finally, after about 45-minutes, the dog was given a police escort onto an exit ramp, and traffic flowed again.
The owner told animal control that the other dog, who he also owns, is home now. The owner says the relationship between the dogs explains a lot."It was heartwarming, they look out for each other," she said.
Awww. They didn't have a picture, so here is a picture of my first dog, the gentle giant, Dim. :)
The Associated Press reported that he took a picture of it with his phone and called the waiter over. The meal he had with his girlfriend was comped. He has no plans to sue the restaurant and a spokeswoman for the chain restaurant says they are investigating.
Federal police has been tracking Dong since December when they found a suitcase checked in and abandoned by Dong was found with 18 birds inside, 5 of them were dead. The Feds saw that Dong had planned to travel to Vietnam in April, so they waited for him to get off the plane and busted him.
Dong has been charged with three counts of illegally importing wildlife, three counts of importing goods by means of false statement and conspiracy. If convicted, Dong could do up to ten years.
Is bird smuggling a really good money maker? The way he strapped those birds to his leg seems very strange and sad. I can't imagine that the trouble is worth the profit. I also can't believe he was going to travel with them like that all the way to Vietnam. That's got to be at least a 10+ hour flight. It cannot be comfortable.
[image via The Daily Telegraph]