Taylor Frost, a senior high school student at Heritage Christian in Ohio, went to his girlfriend's public high school prom this past Saturday. To attend, his girlfriend's school required that he received approval in signature from the principal of Heritage Christian. Which, Frost did.
According to Yahoo! News, his principal acknowledges signing the form, but told Frost that there would be consequences if he went because he would violate the school's rules that forbid dancing, hand holding, and rock music. Not only was he suspended for attending, he will also receive an "incomplete" on remaining assignments and will be banned from graduation ceremonies.
Frost's father said he plans to file a lawsuit against Heritage Christian because the suspension is unfair and unwarranted. The school rules should not apply outside the school.
The school's principal Tim England said, "For the parents to claim any injustice regarding this issue is at best forgetful and at worst disingenuous. It is our hope that the student and his parents will abide by the policies they have already agreed to."
Whoa, how Footloose is this? No dancing?! No rock music?! I don't even understand why the principal signed the form if he was just going to suspend the kid afterward anyway. And also, who says high school has jurisdiction over you after you leave campus? It wasn't even a school day! I hope the family wins. How crazy, how sad, and how completely old school. I love dancing and rock music!
[image via cafepress]
hm... I will need to look up this heritage christian school in ohio. interesting story. family better win.