Friday, January 8, 2010

Voltaggio Brothers

How have I not talked about the Voltaggio Brothers yet?! Ever since the the first episode of Top Chef Season Six, I have been celebrity crushing on the good looking chef brothers so this post comes a little late.

I've never had celebrity crushes before. I mean sure, I think Brad Pitt and Jude Law are quite hot, but I definitely do not swoon over them. But give me Michael and Bryan Voltaggio and I will go weak at the knees.

I love a man who can cook really well and to have two of them and such easy on eyes, that's like jackpot. That's a blessed family. My heart rate went up a little just from gathering their pictures from their website to put on here. I think Bryan is better looking but Michael is a bit more creative and talented. Ahhh, they both light my fire.

Bryan Voltaggio: 32, Chef and Partner of VOLT (Frederick, Maryland).

Michael Voltaggio: 30, Chef de Cuisine, Langham Huntington Hotel & Spa (Pasadena, CA) and Top Chef Season 6 Winner.

Are you a fan yet? Check out their website by clicking here. And you can follow Bryan's twitter here and Michael's here.

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