Thursday, January 14, 2010

Prayers for Haiti

I sit and think about how sad I am I lost my grandfather last month almost every hour of the day. But in recent days, another sadness has filled my heart. It's all over the news and the internet. The aftermath of the catastrophic 7.0 earthquake in Haiti is hard to even imagine. The footage and photos of the damage and all the bodies are shocking and hard to watch.

I am not much of a praying person, but I pray for all those displaced and injured people. I pray for all those who have lost their lives. I pray for the families of all those who have passed away from Tuesday's massive earthquake. And I pray for all those who are there now, helping with the rescue effort.

US News posted to their site today 10 Ways You Can Donate to Haiti. Click here to do your part.

[image via NYTimes]

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