And this is why I love old people. They're so cute. There's an old man who bowls on the league next to mine on Thursdays and he's really good. He bowls really slow and he doesn't have much strength, but his technique must be good because he almost always gets the spare (I've never actually seen him get a strike). I tried to take a picture of him once, but I didn't want to be awkward. I did high five him a few times though.
That's some stamina for an 80 year old. I cannot imagine bowling for 12 hours straight. When I bowl on my league (Team Shih Rex & Co.--currently in first place!) every Thursday, I am pretty beat afterwards and that's only three games. When I bowl for fun, I get tired and bored after 5 or 6 games. Anyways, here are pictures of my shoes and ball. I do want a new ball though. Mines about 4 years old and has many dents and cracks in it

Aww, that reminds me of all the cute old people (is that PC?) that we always see at races...they can't run the fastest but it's good to see them out there, scooting along!