My roommate had been sick for a few days and went to Urgent Care yesterday. She found out she has the H1N1 virus. And last night, T started getting a fever. Initially he thought it was all in his head, but we took his temp and it was 99.8. He progressively got worst as the night went on and so we borrowed my sister's humidifier and poured in eucalyptus oil to help him breath better. He looked so cute trying to breath it all in. Then, he wouldn't stop inhaling it which only made him cough worst, not so cute.

Meanwhile, I feel perfectly fine and I'm not worried about getting sick. The doctor didn't give my roomie anything anyways so if I did get it, I'll just take some Nyquil and Tylenol and wait for it to pass. My house smells like Vick's Vapor Rub the moment you walk in.