Thursday, November 19, 2009

Apologies for Lack of Blogs

It's been pretty hectic at work these past few months, which leaves me less time for net surfing and random thoughts. And also less blogging is a result of me having nothing really interesting to say. Here's some "updates," I suppose.

Three weeks ago, D (my pledge mom) was in town for Homecoming at the UA and she wanted to go to Paint Yourself Silly. It's a paint your pottery place and they will fire and glaze up your piece for you. I use to love these places, but the one in Tucson is not very close to anything so I rarely ever go. In Phoenix, I went all the time so I have many bowls, cups, sauce dishes, plates, etc. with star motifs (I use to be obsessed with star things). I was excited to go this time after seeing J's blog and her mug. I decided to venture away from normal star route and try a dog motif since I am now obsessed with dogs. It turned out pretty well,. I'll take a picture of the finish product when I get home today if I remember.

I've been wanting to make pumpkin pie for awhile so T and I finally started on Tuesday. We made the custard the night before so we could have all the spices blend together. We used the KAF recipe and I was really excited about it because it sounded so good. But it's not really as "spicey" as the recipe claims. I think I'll try it again, but up the amount of spices. It smelled really good though.

Time is just flying by these days. I turned a year older last weekend. It's finally getting cold in southern AZ. I can't believe it's the end of November and we're headed into the Holiday season, which I love, love love! I love Christmas trees, lights, songs, and how cheerful (most) people are.

Hopefully, I can start posting more again.

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