Women Life Style has an article titled, "Why funny women turn off men," they say that the most desirable quality sought out by men and women are a good sense of humor. However, humor researchers report that the use and appreciation of humor differs between genders.
Eric Bressler, a psychologist at McMaster University in Canada says that women want a man who is a humor “generator,” while men seek a humor “appreciator.” Girls wants guys who can make them laugh and guys wants girls who will laugh at their jokes.
Professor Don Nilsen, an expert on humor at Arizona State University found that a woman who displays a typically male sense of humor-one that’s aggressive or competitive-is a turnoff to men. “I think every man in the world loves humor, even the sexual put-down humor, of Judy Tenuta or Joan Rivers. But very few men want to marry them.”
A German study found that when male and female strangers engaged in natural conversation, the degree to which a woman laughed while talking to a man was indicative of her interest in dating him. How much the woman laughed also predicted the man’s desire to date her. Conversely, how often a man laughed was unrelated to his interest in a woman.
I never claim to be funny, only goofy, but I LOVE people who can make me laugh. It's not that hard since I laugh a lot and even at things that aren't really that funny. I never classified myself as a humor appreciator though. I thought everyone just likes a good laugh? I do always tell T he's the top 5 funniest person I know. Guess that's why I'm attracted to him. :)
Do you really think a study done at ASU is credible? :D I saw an article on this topic but a different writer on CNN. This one definitely focuses more on the women being funny. The source in the cnn article said he didn't have time to research the men's perspective on funny women... What a dud!