Tuesday, March 2, 2010

School Lunches, Fruits and Vegs

I've been reading the Fed Up: School Lunch Project pretty regularly since I saw it in SE two months ago. It's a blog created by an anonymous teacher who has decided to eat a school lunch every day in 2010. It's pretty interesting and gross to see what her school offers. I remember my school lunches in elementary and middle school being more appealing and healthier. It was definitely not that prepackaged either.

She posted a link from Health Child, Healthy World that listed the 10 fruit and vegetables you should buy organic based on studies from the Consumer Union and the Environmental Working Group. I like to go to Farmer's Markets but I am not an avid organic buyer at all. Mostly because it's more expensive and I really am not that concerned healthwise. BUT after reading this, I am definitely only buying organic for these items.

Here is their list (click link above to see why):


Sweet Bell Peppers
Imported Grapes

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