Monday, September 14, 2009

I Knew Kids Were Like Animals!

Eat Me Daily posted a video from Steve V at Vimeo that was a modern remake of the now classic Stanford psychological experiment from the 60s where kids are put in a room with a marshmallow. They are told they cannot eat it until the researcher comes back and if they wait, they get a second one. It's pretty funny. There is one kid who is so cute. He keeps smelling it and looks so tortured. He also looks like one of my ex coworker when he was little.

Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.

I compare these kids to animals because of this YouTube video I saw about a year ago on this crazy Japanese game show where they stack food on animals. This one is so cute (probably because I love animals more than I like kids)! The little girl who scratches the marshmallow is like the chimpanzee!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Yanko Design

Yanko Design is a really cool site that shows modern designs, a lot of them are international. They take something classic and turn it into some totally cutting edge and interesting. They have things from kitchen products, medical use, furniture, etc.

I found their site about six months ago for the first time when I read about the Muji Spice Taste-Leaf book. A book with pages that are embedded with different spices. I thought it was a cool concept. Here are some images:

Today I saw the One-Hand Kitchen Equipment made specifically for fractured, permanently disabled, and paralyzed people in mind. The designer, Gabriele Meldaikyte, really thought about cooking processes for each item and I love that! Although it's not really available in stores, I think the idea behind it is really noble. Here are some images (but check them all out here):

If you got a few minutes to waste, I reccomend checking the site out. There are some really interesting and innovative things on there (not just food or kitchen related--although those happen to be my favorite).

Meat Tenderization Ring

Saw this ring on World Famous Design Junkies site. Neat. I would consider getting one. You never know when there will be meat to pound or someone's face...

Food In Real Life

I came across a pretty fun blog today called Food In Real Life. The site says, "Preaching truth to packaging. Pictures of packaged food, cooked to specifications, compared to the photo on the box." Here's an example:

T doesn't really let me eat prepackaged food anymore but I definitely had my fair share of them when I was in undergrad. The photo on the box really sold the food for me. but after I prepared it, I would become severly disappointed so I guess it's a good thing I never eat these anymore.

Some of the photos do kind of match the real food though, so maybe I can talk T to letting me eat those :) Check it out here: Food In Real Life.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Messy Report

There are reasons why one should not eat lunch at their desk. If you can't tell, I have tomatoe sauce splatter all over a financial report. Ops.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Daily Teachings

The Universe is completely and utterly in love with you. No matter how many mistakes you make, no matter where you are in life, no matter what you think of you, the Universe loves you for all eternity.

My Goddaughter Turns Two!

I feel kind of weird to be posting personal photos of people, seeing as I rarely (if ever yet) post pictures of myself, besides that one profile picture to the left, but seeing as she is so adorable, I just can't help it.

I got her a Disney Princess Tricycle and she had fun being pushed around on it at her party. Her legs are a little too short to pedal, but she's growing so fast, that I'm sure she'll be able to ride soon enough.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Horoscope Says

Scorpio: Tuesday, Sep 1st, 2009 --
You may feel as if you don't fit in at home or at the office today, but there's really nowhere else for you to go. The sense that you are not part of the family or the work group might make you want to go into hiding. But retreat isn't necessary; it's only important that you tone down your rhetoric. If you can manage the intensity of what you express, others will reach out to you again.

That's not such a good one. Very defeatist. And it's not true. I love work and I just spent all morning chatting with my boss. So hmph to you!