Three weeks ago, D (my pledge mom) was in town for Homecoming at the UA and she wanted to go to Paint Yourself Silly. It's a paint your pottery place and they will fire and glaze up your piece for you. I use to love these places, but the one in Tucson is not very close to anything so I rarely ever go. In Phoenix, I went all the time so I have many bowls, cups, sauce dishes, plates, etc. with star motifs (I use to be obsessed with star things). I was excited to go this time after seeing J's blog and her mug. I decided to venture away from normal star route and try a dog motif since I am now obsessed with dogs. It turned out pretty well,. I'll take a picture of the finish product when I get home today if I remember.

I've been wanting to make pumpkin pie for awhile so T and I finally started on Tuesday. We made the custard the night before so we could have all the spices blend together. We used the KAF recipe and I was really excited about it because it sounded so good. But it's not really as "spicey" as the recipe claims. I think I'll try it again, but up the amount of spices. It smelled really good though.

Time is just flying by these days. I turned a year older last weekend. It's finally getting cold in southern AZ. I can't believe it's the end of November and we're headed into the Holiday season, which I love, love love! I love Christmas trees, lights, songs, and how cheerful (most) people are.
Hopefully, I can start posting more again.
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