I read The Lovely Bones when I was in high school and loved it. I did not know they were making a movie out of it until yesterday. It has a pretty decent cast- Susan Sarandon, Rachel Weisz (love her!), Mark Wahlberg (not a fan) to name a few.
The book is about a daughter who has been raped and brutally murdered by a neighbor. The story follows the girl as she watches and follows her family deal with her death and she learns more about the man who killed her. The whole plot is just so interesting, captivating, and sad.
I hope the movie doesn't ruin it. The trailer looked good though, so I'm excited to see this in a few months. Apple trailers won't let me embed it directly to my blog so you can click here to watch it.
Side note: When I was looking up movie posters for this, I found out that Ryan Gosling was suppose to be the father, but three days before shooting, he quit due to creative differences. Saaad. I much rather watch a Ryan Gosling movie than Mark Wahlberg.

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