Friday, T and I saw "Knowing." I was pretty much pissed off at him during most of the movie because I was scared and was fearful of the nightmares that I would be having later that night. However, once the ending came about, all my fears faded away because of how ridiculous it was. The movie was pretty good though minus the terrible ending, but I rather have watched "I Love You, Man."
Saturday, we were going to go the Spring training game. Not realizing that since it was the biggest rivalry of the Chicago teams, we should have purchased our tickets in advance. So sold out tickets and nothing to do on a Saturday, we decided to drive up to Camp Verde to catch up with his family. I have never been to Camp Verde before, but he assured me it would be lots of fun. As we pulled into this little rural town, I started getting nervous, as I usually do with any small white folks town. Being Chinese and sticking out like a giant 5'9" thumb, I have endured a few racial situations before. T said I was being ridiculous and well, I probably was since it was 2009 and there are many Asian/Chinese people all over the place.
T, being the professionally trained cook, got suckered into manning the grill. While he was doing that, I was being helpful and cleaning some dishes. This older lady walked up to me at the sink and asked, "Honey, are you the dishwasher for the night?" She wasn't rude about it, just a bit racist, but since I'm too polite, I casually answered no and ran away to find T to say "Hah!"
Overall though, Camp Verde was fun. I love T's family and the friends of T's mom were really nice, welcoming, and best of all, hilarious.
Sunday was uneventful. I worked at my parents' restaurant, read a book, ate too much, went to bed. And here we are Monday.
Becky, the Dishwasher. Hahahaha